CARE Hôpitaux, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad

for Aortopulmonary Window Repair

Aortopulmonary Window Repair

Aortopulmonary Window is a rare defect of the heart in which there is a hole connecting the aorta and the pulmonary artery abs a result failure of the conotructal ridges to fuse. As spontaneous closure does not occur, once a diagnosis is made, Aortopulmonary Window Repair surgery is the only solution.

Vue d'ensemble

Banjara Hills Hospital CARE, Hyderabad, est l'hôpital phare des soins Groupe et a ouvert ses portes en 2000. Il possède la plus grande consultation externe intégrée de l'Inde centre, qui couvre 185.000 pieds carrés. Dans l'ensemble, les soins hospitaliers Banjara Hills a 435 lits de patients et voit près de 200 000 patients par an, y compris des centaines de patients internationaux. L'hôpital propose des chambres de patients privés et de luxe, une pharmacie, un 24/7 unité de réadaptation, et les services d'éducation et de conseil pour les patients cardiaques à l'aide de leur processus de rétablissement. D'autres services proposés comprennent l'aéroport et les transferts d'hôtel, WIFI gratuit, religieux et tarifs réduits pour les groupes ou pour plusieurs procédures.

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L'hôpital de soins à Banjara Hills se trouve à 30 km de l'aéroport international Rajiv Gandhi et est accessible par les transports en commun ou le transfert hospitalier organisé. L'hôpital est situé dans la ville de Hyderabad, dans l'état de Telangana dans le sud de l'Inde. La ville a un célèbre quartier ancien qui contient la citadelle fortifiée de Golconde (à 10 km de l'hôpital), une attraction populaire auprès des visiteurs. A proximité il y a aussi le Hussain Sagar en forme de coeur lac (4 km), avec une grande statue impressionnante du Bouddha debout Gautama au milieu du lac.

Langues parlées

English, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali (Bangla), Des traducteurs peuvent être arrangés pour d'autres langues

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réservation de transport local

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installations religieuses

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Les options de divertissement

Des journaux internationaux

Services Centre d'affaires

assistance personnelle / Concierge

coordination de l'assurance maladie



Orthopedics 10 procédures

Hip Replacement

This is an orthopedic surgical procedure where a damaged hip is replaced with an implant, i.e., a prosthesis. This procedure can be performed either as hemi-replacement (only femoral head is replaced) or total replacement (i.e., total hip arthroplasty where both the femoral head and acetabulum are replaced).

Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement (arthroplasty) is an operation used to replace weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve disability and pain. Especially in patients with osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Surgical techniques available include total knee replacement, partial knee replacement and femoral replacement.

Shoulder Replacement

Shoulder Replacement (arthroplasty) is an operation in which a prosthesis is used to replace part or all of the glenohumeral joint to relieve disability and pain. It is used to fix shoulder joint damage or relieve arthritic pain. We have the traditional shoulder total shoulder arthroplasty and the reverse total shoulder arthroplasty approach. The latter has two approaches, i.e., the deltopectoral approach and the transdeltoid approach.

Bone Fracture Treatment

Treatment depend on the severity of the fracture, patient choice and cost of treatment. Medically, reduction is done to fix a dislocated or Brocken bone. Devices available to fix fracture include orthopedic casts, splints, elastic bandages, and traction splint. Therapeutic physical therapy and joint manipulation can be done. Surgery included internal and external fixation.

Clubfoot Treatment

Club foot is also known as congenital talipes equinovarus. It is a combination of four thing in one i.e. cavus, adductus, varus and equinus. There are several types of clubfoot. It is a highly disabling condition if not managed early. The condition can be managed Non-operatively by Ponseti technique, Kite technique and French technique. Surgical options included: Posteromedial soft tissue release, Osteotomies, Triple arthrodesis, Achilles tenotomy and JESS.

Elbow Replacement

This s a procedure done to replace elbow joint that has been damaged by disease or trauma. It is indicated in severe loss of function, instability, joint destruction, severe pain or deformity. It is successful in relieving people of pain and improving the overall quality of life of the patient.

Knee Ligament Surgery (MCL)

The MCL is one of the four ligaments of the knee. A Knee Ligament Surgery is done to treat torn ligament as a result of injurer. As the MCL surgery is located outside the joint, no surgical key hole are usually necessary. The torn ligament can be reattached with staples, screws and screws through a small incision.

Knee Arthroscopy

These is a surgical procedure that is done to teat or diagnose knee joint problems like injuries and diseases. During the procedure, a small incision is made and an Arthroscope (tiny camera) inserted into the knees therapy allowing the examiner to see the inside of the joint on a live screen.

Ankle Fusion Surgery

Also known as ankle arthrodesis, is a surgical procedure done to fuse the different bones that make up the ankle joint into one piece. It is done when the joint become painful and worn out due to disease or previous trauma.

Ankle Replacement

The procedure is also known as total ankle arthroplasty. It is an orthopedic procedure done to replace the ankle joint articular surfaces that have been damaged by disease or injury with prosthetic components. It is done to treat ankle arthritis.

Cardiology 3 procédures

Coronary Angioplasty

Also known as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) Thais is a procedure that is used to widen narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. The procedure is carried out by an interventional cardiologist. When combined with stenting, it is referred to as percutaneous coronary intervention. Is should be done within thirty minutes to 2 hours after a having a cardiac event.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery

Also referred to as colloquially heart bypass or bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass surgery. It is an operation done restore normal blood flow to obstructed coronary vessels hence used to manage coronary heart disease. The surgery has two main approaches, i.e., diversion of the internal thoracic artery to the left anterior descending artery in the left coronary vessel and using the great saphenous vein to create a connection between the aorta or its branch to the obstructed artery distance to the obstruction.

Aortopulmonary Window Repair

Aortopulmonary Window is a rare defect of the heart in which there is a hole connecting the aorta and the pulmonary artery abs a result failure of the conotructal ridges to fuse. As spontaneous closure does not occur, once a diagnosis is made, Aortopulmonary Window Repair surgery is the only solution.

Gastroenterology 5 procédures

Gallstones Treatment

Treatment of gallstones is based on one's symptoms and results of diagnostic procedures. The treatment options include cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder) and drugs meant to dissolve the stones.

Liver Transplant (Living Related Donor)

This is the replacement of a diseased liver with a healthy one from a is recommended as a treatment for an end-stage liver disease or liver failure. The donor and recipient will have to undergo DNA analysis to ensure they are a close match before the procedure is done to minimize the risk of graft rejection.

Liver Biopsy

This is biopsy taken form the liver. It is a medical procedure that is done to diagnose, assess severity or monitor response to treatment of liver diseases.

Esophageal Cancer Surgery

This is a procedure done to treat cancer of the esophagus. The diseased area is resected. It is commonly done to manage earl stage (stage 1 and 2) esophageal cancer. It can be combine with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgical options available included minimally invasive esophagectomy, open esophagectomy, and endoscopic mucosal resection.

Intra-Abdominal Adhesions Surgery

Adhesion are complications of radiation therapy, inflammatory processes and abdomino-pelvic surgeries. These adhesions can cause infertility, intestinal obstructions, chronic pelvic pain, and dyspareunia. These surgery is meat to manage these effects of adhesions so as to improve the patients overall quality of life.

General Surgery 2 procédures

Bone Marrow Transplant (Autologous)

This is a surgical procedure which involves a process where unhealthy bone marrow tissue is replaced with a healthy one. In an autologous transplant, your own blood-forming stem cells are collected. You are then treated with high doses of chemotherapy. The high-dose treatment kills the cancer cells, but it also gets rid of the blood-producing cells that are left in your bone marrow.

Hernia Repair

A hernia is an abnormal protrusion in whole or part, through an OPENING, pathological or anatomically in the walls of its containing cavity, e.g., the abdominal cavity. Hernia Repair procedures involve returning this displaced tissue to their proper place. There are different types of Hernia Repair surgeries, i.e., Herniorrhaphy (tissue repair) and hernioplasty (mesh repair) where a mesh is usually sewn over weakened areas.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 1 procédures

Cochlear Implant

This is an electronic gadget (device) used to replace the functions of the inner ear when it is damaged. The implant does the work of the Cochlear by generating sound signals for the brain. It is thus useful in persons with profound or moderate hearing loss bilaterally. The device helps one to her better. Cochlear implant surgery is done by ENT Surgeon.

Gynecology 6 procédures

Gynecologic Laparoscopy

It is a new alternative technique to open surgeries. It allows a surgeon to look into one's pelvis. It can be sued to remove adhesions, manage ectopic pregnancies, manage ovarian cysts, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and myomectomy, do female sterilization (tubal ligation), diagnose & treat endometriosis and cancer investigation and lymph node sampling in cancer treatment.


This is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids especially symptomatic ones. The procedure aims to conserve the uterus for possible future deliveries.

Ectopic Pregnancy Surgery

This is an emergency exploratory laparotomy surgical procedure done to manage a raptured ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are extra uterine pregnancies.


This is the surgical removal of the uterus. It is a procedure done by gynecologists. It can either be total (where the entire uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper third of vagina is resected) or partial. The option depend upon the patient choice and the indication for the operation.


This is a surgical procedure done to remove a portion of the lactiferous duct. It is the standard treatment for nipple discharges that arise from a single duct. The procedure can be done under guidance of a ductoscope.

Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE)

This is a procedure that is performed by interventional radiologist. A catheter is used to deliver small particles that then block uterine body blood supply. Common indications include adenomyosis and uterine fibroids.

Nephrology 1 procédures

Kidney Transplant (Living Related Donor)

This is the transplant of a healthy kidney to patients with an end-stage renal disease or no functional kidneys. Kidneys are important because they remove wastes and toxins from the body apart from producing important hormones in the body. The kidney can be taken from a live donor or deceased donor. There recipient and donor can be genetically related or non-related depending on whether a biological relationship existed between them. India has very nice centers where this can be done successfully.

Neurosurgery 4 procédures


These are a surgical procedure where bone flaps are temporarily removed from the skull to give access to the brain. The bone flaps are created by specialized tools. Sometimes it’s done under the guidance of CT scans or MRI scans to localize the areas of treatment (stereotactic Craniotomy). A craniotomy is used in stereotactic biopsy of the brain, stereotactic radiosurgery & stereotactic aspiration of hematomas, cysts or abscesses. A craniotomy is also useful in aneurysmal clipping and removal of brain tumors. Are of various types, i.e., translabarynthine Craniotomy, retro-sigmoid Craniotomy, extended bifrontal Craniotomy and supra-orbital Craniotomy.

Epilepsy Surgery

This is a procedure done to treat epilepsy in order to reduce or stop the seizures. There are different types of epilepsy surgical procedure. This includes removal of the area in the brain causing this seizures or separating the part of the brain causing these tumors from the rest.

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery

This is a surgical procedure that is done to implant a device that send electrical stimulus signals to brain regions responsible for body movement. Electrode is placed deep in the brain and then connected to a stimulating device. DBS helps remove symptoms of slowness of movement, tremor, walking problems and stiffness that is caused by dystonia, essential tremor or Parkinsonism disease.

Skull Base Surgery

This is minimally invasive, highly specialized neurosurgical technique for diagnosis, evaluating and treating cancerous or benign growths located on the base of the skull, the upper vertebrae of the spine and the underside of the brain.

Spinal Surgery 3 procédures

Spine Surgery

This is a surgery done on the spine to treat back pain, or other damages are done on the spine by trauma or disease scoliosis, spinal stenosis, and disc herniation. It is recommended when conservative treatments are unsuccessful. It can either be done as an open or minimally invasive procedure. Common surgical approaches are lateral, posterior and anterior. Spinal surgical techniques included laminotomy, laminectomy, microdiscectomy, disc replacement, spinal fusion, and foraminotomy.

Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis is a condition where ones spine bend LATERALLY (sideways). It arises commonly before pubertal growth spurts. It can be caused by muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy or idiopathic. Surgery is the main modality of treatment. Surgical options include scoliosis fusion surgery and anterior scoliosis corrective surgery (VBT).

Spinal Fusion Surgery

Sometimes also called spondylosyndesis or spondylodesis. It is an operation done to stop motion in segments of the spine (thoracic, lumber or cervical) that are causing a patient pain. It helps to stabilizes and decompress the spine. The procedure involves the use of bone grafts which can either be allografts, autografts or artificial substitutes.

Colorectal Medicine 2 procédures


This is a surgical procedure done to treat hemorrhoids. Patient is given either spinal or general anesthesia and then incisions are made around the hemorrhoid tissue. The swollen veins are then used to prevent bleeding and the entire hemorrhoid removed.

Rectocele Surgery

Rectocele is a posterior vaginal wall prolapse that occurs when the wall that separates the rectum from the vagina weakens thus allowing the vaginal wall to bulge. It can be managed conservatively by physiotherapy and using vaginal pessaries. Surgical options included colporrrhaphy and rectocele repair. Surgery is the definitive management of this condition.

Diagnostic Imaging 1 procédures

Renal Angiogram

This is an imaging test that is done to examine the blood vessels in ones kidneys. It helps reveal blockages aneurysms or stenosis in the kidneys. Radiologist inject a contrast agent into arteries that bring blood to the kidney and X-rays used to monitor the flow. Fluoroscopy can also be used.

Oncology 5 procédures

Whipple Procedure

Whipple Procedure also known as kaush-Whipple Procedure, pancretoduodectopmy, pancreaticoduodenectomy is a major surgical procedure dome to remove cancer of head of pancreas. It involves the removal of the common bile duct, the gallbladder, the duodenum and portions of the stomach.

Chronic Leukemia Treatment

The treatment of chronic leukemia depend on a person’s age, reason for treatment, disease risk group, stage of cancer, signs and symptoms of disease, patient preference and overall health. Treatment options included targeted drug therapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, and immunotherapy.

Glioblastoma Treatment

Glioblastoma (Glioblastoma multiform) is a malignant tumor that affects the spinal cord and the brain. It is usually quite aggressive hence can spread quickly and grow fast. Treatment includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery (craniotomy and radiosurgery).

Laryngeal Cancer Treatment

Laryngeal Cancer is a condition which cancerous cells form from larynx tissues. The most common presentation include ear pain and sore throat. Laryngectomy (total) in addition to thyroidectomy and nodal removal followed by radiotherapy is the most common mode of treatment.

Cancer Staging

Staging is the process used to find out the amount of cancer in the body and their locations. The information is used by doctors to formulate the patient treatment plan and to determine their prognosis. There are four different ways staging is done i.e. pathological staging, post-neoadjuvanat or post-therapy staging, clinical staging and restaging (done when cancer recurs after treatment). The four factors used in staging include: site of primary tumor, the tumor size, the involvement of lymph nodes and metastases. Tests done to enable staging process include imaging tests, pathological tests, surgical reports, laboratory tests and physical examination.

Urology 2 procédures

Kidney Stones Treatment

The treatment of renal stones included taking a lot of water to help pass these stones and use of painkiller to relive renal colonic pain. Drug used included NSAIDs, diuretics narcotics and urinary retention drugs. Medical procedures that can be done to remove the stones include laser lithotripsy, uteroscopic stone removal and extracorporeal shockwave therapy.

Prostate Biopsy

This is a procedure done to take a sample from the prostate for histological analysis. It is dome to detect or diagnose cancer of the prostate especially after blood PSA level; rises to the level of prostate cancer. There are several options that can be used to take the sample i.e. MRI-guided biopsy, ultrasound guided biopsy, Transrectal biopsy and transurethral biopsy.

Dermatology 1 procédures


This is a non-surgical cosmetic medical involves the multiple injections of homeopathic and pharmaceutical drugs , vitamins , plant extracts and various other ingredients into the skin subcutaneous fat layer. The procedure helps remove excess fat, tighten the skin thus rejuvenating it.

Rheumatology 1 procédures

Rheumatology Consultation

This is a review of a patient suspected or diagnosed with Rheumatologic disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis. The patient will undergo a clinical examination and relevant investigations ordered so as to check the patient’s general medical condition. The patient’s medications will also be reviewed and if failing, they will be changed. The consult is done by a consultant Rheumatologist.

Cosmetology 1 procédures

Laser Hair Removal

This is the process of removing unwanted hair by exposing them to a beam of pulses of light that will destroy the hair follicles. The intense heat of the laser will damage these hair follicle inhibiting any future growth.

Tropical medicine 1 procédures

Malaria Treatment

Malarial is the leading killer in many part of Asia and Africa. A patient can present with specific or non-specific symptoms. History of residency or travel to malarial infected regions is important. The management offered will depend on whether it is complicated or uncomplicated. The type of drug used will also be influenced by pregnancy and allergy to some antimalarial.

Vascular Medicine 1 procédures

Aortic Arch Surgery

It a complex cardiothoracic operation done to manage aortic arch aneurysms. The procedure is often needed once the aneurism enlarges to a certain size, or when there is aortic dissection or when it ruptures. During the surgery, concomitant repair of other defects in the heart can be performed e.g. coronary artery blockage.

Neonatology 1 procédures

Neonatology Consultation

A neonatologist is a pediatric subspecialist in the medical care of newer bone infants particularly the premature and ill new bones. The do most of their work in neonatal ICU. The consolation will enable the specialist to review the infant and prepare and appropriate treatment plan to ensure the baby turns out healthy.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1 procédures

Knee Brace

This is a medical devices that is fitted into the knee joint to give it support, especially when the person has pain that is emanating from the knee. They are used to provide support to the knee ligaments and the patella while one recovers from injury, to prevent injury, play sports, or to relieve pain in the knee. There are four categories of knee braces available i.e. functional, unloader, prophylactic and rehabilitative braces.

Neurology 1 procédures

Neurology Consultation

This is an appointment with a neurologist (physician that has subspecialized in neurology) for treatment, diagnosis or management of disorders that affect the nervous system.

Ophthalmology 1 procédures

Chalazion Treatment

A Chalazion is a painless benign nodule or bulge in the lower or upper eyelids. Conservatively, it is managed by lid hygiene and warm compress. Medically, topical or intralesional steroids can be used to minimize inflammation. This can cause regression of the lesion in few weeks. An ophthalmologist best performs surgery to remove the lesion.


Spécialistes travaillant avec CARE Hôpitaux, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad

Dr B. Soma Raju Cardiology

  • Président et directeur général de l'hôpital
  • Spécialisé en cardiologie
  • une expertise particulière dans les soins cardiaques d'urgence, l'angioplastie coronaire primaire, implantation d'un stent, et l'angiographie périphérique et l'angioplastie
  • membre de l'Académie nationale des sciences médicales (2002 )

Dr C. Narasimhan Cardiology

  • Spécialisé en cardiologie
  • a obtenu un diplôme de DM (doctorat) en cardiologie de CMC Hospital (1989)
  • bourse Achevé en électrophysiologie clinique à l'Université du Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1995-1997)
  • bourse Achevé en la cardiologie clinique / maladie vasculaire chez Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago (1997-1998)

Dr. K. Rao Nageswara Cardiology

  • [ "Spécialisé en cardiologie pédiatrique", "a obtenu un diplôme de maîtrise en pédiatrie de Kurnool Medical College, Andhra Pradesh", "a obtenu un diplôme de DM (doctorat) en cardiologie du Sri Chitra Tirunal Institut, Trivandrum, Kerala", " Completed une bourse de recherche en cardiologie pédiatrique à l'Hôpital pour enfants de Westmead, Sydney " "membre de la cardiologie Société de l'Inde, la échocardiographies Indian Society et la cardiologie pédiatrique Society of India"," Récompensé par le prix du classement de l'innovation le plus élevé de l'American College of Cardiology " ]

Dr Thomas Cherian Gastroenterology

  • [ " Spécialisé dans les greffes de chirurgie et foie heptatobiliary ", " a obtenu un baccalauréat en médecine de l'Université de Bangalore (1995) ", " bourses accomplies en chirurgie générale et hépato-pancréatico et la chirurgie UGI au RCS et médecins de Glasgow (2000 et 2007) "" membre de la British Medical Association, l'Association des chirurgiens en formation, la Société de transplantation britannique, le Carrel club (UK Transplant stagiaires club), l'unité de défense médicale de l'Ecosse, l'hépato-pancréatico-biliaire Association internationale, et la Société internationale de transplantation du foie "]

Dr J. Murthy Neurology

  • En neurologie Spécialisé
  • a obtenu un diplôme de DM (doctorat) à l'Institut supérieur de l'éducation médicale et de la recherche, Chandigarh (1979)
  • expertise particulière dans les traitements des troubles neuro-vasculaire

Dr Rama Krishna Murthy Neurosurgery

  • Spécialisé en neurochirurgie
  • a obtenu un baccalauréat en médecine de Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
  • Diplômé avec une maîtrise (MCH) en neurochirurgie de l'Institut de Nizam des sciences médicales, Hyderabad
  • membre de l'Association américaine des neurochirurgiens, le Congrès des chirurgiens neurologiques, la Société neurologique de l'Inde, l'Association Andhra Pradesh neuroscientifique, la Société indienne de stéréotaxique et neurochirurgie fonctionnelle et la Twin Cities Neurological Society

Dr Syed Ameer Basha Neurosurgery

  • [ " Spécialisé en neurochirurgie ", " a obtenu un baccalauréat en médecine de Kurnool Medical College, Andhra Pradesh ", " Diplômé avec une maîtrise (MCH) en neurochirurgie de l'Institut de Nizam des sciences médicales, Hyderabad ", " expertise particulière dans le crâne chirurgie de la base, la chirurgie neurovasculaire, chirurgie de l'épilepsie et la transplantation de neurones " " membre de la Société de neurochirurgie de l'Inde (INS), l'Association Andhra Pradesh Neuro scientifiques (APNSA), la Société la base du crâne de l'Inde, la cérébro vasculaire Société de chirurgie de l'Inde , la Société de neurochirurgie de l'Inde (INSS), la Société de transplantation de cellules neurales américaine, l'Association américaine des chirurgiens neurologiques (AANS), le Congrès des chirurgiens neurologiques (SNC) et Walter E. Dandy neurochirurgicale Society (WEDNS) "]

Dr. Reddy Pinnamareddy vikranth Nephrology

  • [ "Spécialisé en néphrologie", "Diplômé avec un diplôme de maîtrise en médecine interne de Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Rajiv Gandhi University, Belgaum, Karnatakan (2002)", " bourses achevées en néphrologie à l'Université de Californie, San Diego (2009) et VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam (2011) "" membre de la Société internationale de néphrologie (ISN), Académie nationale des sciences médicales, en Inde (NAMS), Société indienne de néphrologie (ISN), Académie indienne de néphrologie (IAN) , péritonéal Société dialyse de l'Inde (ISSP), Association des médecins de l'Inde (API), et la Société de recherche pour l'étude du diabète en Inde (RSSDI) "]

Dr Praveen Mereddy Orthopedics

  • Spécialisé en orthopédie
  • Diplômé avec une maîtrise en chirurgie orthopédique à l'Université Manipal, Karnataka
  • a obtenu un diplôme d'études supérieures (DNB) en orthopédie à l'Office national des examens, New Delhi
  • membre de l'American Academy des chirurgiens orthopédiques (AAOS), l'Association orthopédique Indien (IOA), et l'Association médicale indienne (IMA)

Dr Prem Chand Gupta Vascular Medicine

  • Spécialisé en chirurgie vasculaire
  • a obtenu un baccalauréat en médecine de l'université médicale des Forces armées (AFMC), Pune
  • a obtenu un diplôme de maîtrise en chirurgie de l'Institut d'études supérieures de l'éducation médicale et de la recherche (PGIMER), Chandigarh
  • expertise particulière dans les varices et les ulcères de jambe, un traitement d'ablation laser (LEV), et l'ablation par radiofréquence (RFA)

Dr. K. Prasad Raju Urology

  • Spécialisé dans Urology
  • a obtenu un baccalauréat en médecine de l'Université de Madras
  • Diplômé avec un diplôme de maîtrise en chirurgie générale de l'Université Gulbarga
  • a obtenu un diplôme de maîtrise (MCH) en urologie de l'Université NTR Sciences de la santé

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